Cordova-plugin-file get download directory

Feb 16, 2019 Downloading/Saving/Opening files with Cordova in javascript and polyfill the achor's Because of how cordova works we need the cordova-plugin-file, the resolveLocalFileSystemURL( folderPath, function(dir) { dir.getFile( of (online) courses on web development (Use Code LSOFF50 to get 50% off ;p).

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Hi Valerie,. Can you confirm the file has content? Can you open it externally? If you're using FileTransferPlugin to get the file, make sure you 

May 14, 2016 When building for the first time, Visual Studio downloads and installs Cordova dependencies. Adding these files to source control can result in a build that appears to npm http GET Add the plugin to your project from this local location by using the Local  Feb 15, 2017 File Transfer – Allows access to upload and download files. Geolocation – Provides GPS information about the device's location, such as latitude and longitude. With the ability to add custom Cordova plugins to an AEM Mobile app, Configuring the environment for iOS (sudo aemm platform install ios) is  Hi Valerie,. Can you confirm the file has content? Can you open it externally? If you're using FileTransferPlugin to get the file, make sure you  May 2, 2016 Priority Support · Software Downloads · Product Licensing · Product Registration. General plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/FileSystem.js"> All rights reserved